Monday, July 31, 2006

so that's why metro is crowded ...

Washington Post:
The U.S. Census Bureau acknowledged yesterday that it had underestimated the number of people living in Washington and revised its data to reflect the largest increase in the city's population since 1950.

The decision ... immediately adds more than 31,000 people to Washington's official population, increasing it to 582,049.

The addition of 31,528 people "makes up for all the losses of the 1990s and is equivalent to the loss in the 1980s as well."
When the 2000 census information began to come out, everyone was quick to notice that DC's population was still declining - almost forty years after the riots, more than 50 years after the beginning of the decline. So, I expect to see retractions from each of them.

DC is a vital city and - who knew - it has enormous potential for growth.
The revision marks the most significant increase in the city's population since it peaked in 1950 at 802,178.
Frankly, I can't imagine more than 200,000 more people in DC, but it's good to know it's possible. Good thing Metro is debuting those new "open seating plan" cars (in funky retro colors, no less).


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