Wednesday, September 14, 2005


New addictions are always fun.

I've been bitten by the TiVo bug. The bite is painless, but watch your wallet.

Actually, it was quite a deal. Because of the $150 rebate that TiVo is offering, a 140-hour recorder cost me 50 dollars. There's a monthly charge, but I worked that out. I simply cancelled my NetFlix account before I signed up for TiVo. Now I'm actually saving 8 bucks a month.

I set it up yesterday, and so far so good, but it takes some getting used to. I still forget to pause TV when I go to the bathroom, so I'm in the middle of peeing before I remember I can pause live TV.

I'm sure I'll be writing more about TiVo, but one bonus I've found is that you actually can see videos on Mtv. Mtv really does play videos, but only between 3am and 6am. So, just set little tivi to record those hours and you can see what videos Mtv still plays. Not bad stuff actually.

Edit: I just finished watching the three hours of Mtv. It was mostly fast forwarding through commercials. Here's what pissed me off. They have three hours a DAY to fill with videos and they REPEATED SIX VIDEOS. You only have three hours and you can't find original material for the whole thing?! C'mon!

VERY lame.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Variations on a theme

Stuff on Cats!


Sunday, September 11, 2005


This seems like a good day for it. Here's my list of events and people that should never be used in public for comparison to something that has happened recently. Using them makes you look like an ass.

1. Hitler
2. the Holocaust
3. D-Day
4. Hiroshima
5. Pearl Harbor
(you know what? Avoid WWII altogether)
6. 9/11
7. Rosa Parks (this one is commonly abused)
8. the death of Kurt Cobain
9. the death of Princess Diana
10. the death of JFK
11. Vietnam

What have I forgotten?

Saturday, September 10, 2005


Tuesday, September 06, 2005


I was avoiding doing a post on Hurricane Katrina. I've read so many blog entries and news stories and seen so much on the television about the storm and the aftermath. I'm not trying to diminish the enormity of this storm - but after awhile the coverage becomes overwhelming.

Sometimes you have to change the channel, watch a cartoon, and relax for a moment. I think it's only human. I recommend Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends.

But I felt the need to write this post because I realized over the past few days, after reading countless entries on the hurricane, that two of the most original and interesting points came not from the huge commercial or political blogs, but from two personal ones.

I would say it reflects my good taste in blogs, but I think it's a better indication of their writing and critical thinking.

Rhodent! has an excellent post on hurricanes. She includes personal information and experiences not just about this hurricane, but about all hurricanes and the readiness of people, communities, cities, counties, and the nation.

Here's one excellent point:
Many people get worked up over the presidential elections. Perhaps they should pay as much attention to their local elections. Local governments need to take more initiative for mitigation and preparation. They need to change some of their stupid policies about building codes and zoning. And the citizens of their communities need to take a stand and make their elected officials accountable for these issues.
I haven't seen this talked about anywhere else, and she's absolutely correct. I urge you to read the whole post.

The other blog that caught my eye - as it usually does - is Happy and Blue 2. Happy's always got something interesting to say, but his recent post about the hurricane was excellent.
The United States of America is the most powerful nation in the entire world. It can and does spend billions of dollars annually on the Gulf War. Over $400 billion annually is allocated to your defense department. You leveled an entire country in a matter of weeks. An entire country..

But when its own citizens need something as simple as buses to get them out of a dangerous area and into safety it asks for donations. And it takes forever to send help.
It made me wonder. Why is it that the U.S. spends billions weekly on the war but when we face a natural disaster, the citizens are asked to donate money. Naturally, Americans are ready to donate money, who couldn't after seeing some of the coverage from New Orleans or Biloxi.

But wouldn't it make more sense for the WAR to be fully funded by donations, and the hurricane relief to be fully funded by the government? All Americans believe that we should help out the people of the Gulf Coast. Not everyone (most people?) don't agree with the current situation in Iraq.

It reminds me of that old saying (which was always on doors of teachers in High School): "What if schools had all the money they needed and the Pentagon had to hold a bake sale to buy a bomber?"

Saturday, September 03, 2005

The lame never ends

Today's posts ... and kinda-related comments from me.

I'm up to 101 feeds on bloglines.
You know what the old wise men say... "101 Feeds. No Waiting."
Don't they?

Friday, September 02, 2005


bloggity-blog posts for today.

and, some from yesterday...

Sorry for the lameness of the most recent posts - I think I'm going through a bit of a blog identity crisis...